Jolan Gamblin

I am a well traveled and Inspired Artist. A lover of my freedom and talented creative spirit. My art is a divine representation of the visual experience I am witnessing & the energies surrounding me that cultivate that experience. I have worked for myself my entire life, in Art, design, and various successful creative endeavors.
Most of my work is centered  and themed around the Abundant Sea Shore and all its gifts . The St. Augustine
Sea Side inspired my latest creation, " The Oyster Shell Merchant", as did Shakespear's famous quote, "The World Is Your Oyster".  I collect, clean and design, assemble and sell the Oyster Shells in many retail outlets in and around Florida. Please enjoy these unique sea side treasures, and always know, no 2 are ever alike.
Thank you for supporting home grown Artists.
Shine on.
27 products