Bits Upcycled Vintaged
Artist and imagineer, Kimberly Wright began "Bits Upcycled Vintage" in the fall of 2013. Raised travelling the country, she has been settled in the Deltona, Florida area for the past 34 years. After 25 years in Education, this mother of 5 stepped out and created "Bits Upcycled Vintage, retiring in 2020 to pursue her new business full time. She combined her love of vintage craftsmanship with her creative personality to design unique and beautiful pieces of jewelry that changes with each new find.
Reinventing and repurposing in unexpected ways, she offers three distinct lines; Handcrafted silver-plate items from vintage flatware (most over 80 years old), Steampunk Jewelry, using authentic wrist and pocket watch movements, and lastly a line of bullet jewelry made from reclaimed spent casings. Always learning and ever growing, she enjoys the hunt for new materials, the challenge of new ideas, and the addictive energy of creating something really special for you to enjoy.